The development of the structure of a site.
The development of the structure of a site.
So what is the structure? According to the defining dictionary entry this id “the inner construction of the object”. For example, every enterprise has it’s own structure. For instance, three departments are governed by one director, and each department has some branches: a boss and dome subordinates.
So every site has its own structure, which includes some branches. The initial stage of the development of the site of any company is the creation of it’s structure which depends on main goals of the site. All the sections and subsections created on the site will later make its structure.
To some degree the development of the structure of the site depends on the client’s wishes. Because it is the client, who knows if he really needs “the price-lists” section of the site, or “the news of the company” or if the development of the corporation site presupposes the creation of a feedback chat. The things that the client himself wants to see on the internet-resource created by our web-studio, will be included in the structure. If the client doesn’t have his own plan of the structure of the site, our specialists will always be able to help to choose the best variant. The initial stage of the development of the structure of the site can also include the possibility to use the online-store functions, the possibility create a blog, the inclusion of the price-list section and its update in subsections, the possibility of on-line communication of the office-workers with their clients on chat lines and even in forums, and the creation of some additional services on the site.
A correct development of the structure of a corporation site creates the possibility to distribute all the information from the site to its corresponding sections and subsections.