Web Development
Site design and creation of business cards
The increasing of proliferation and using of informative sites are now receiving business cards which are the part of the image of the company or firm, along with the printed business cards.
The development of the structure of a site.
So what is the structure? According to the defining dictionary entry this id “the inner construction of the object”. For example, every enterprise has it’s own structure. For instance, three departments are governed by one director, and each department has some branches: a boss and dome subordinates.
The development and creation of the site on professional level.
We need your ideas and minimum information to create and design your site quickly and in high quality. The development of the sites includes the creation of the sites of any level of complexity be it a commercial site internet-shop site, personal site, portal site or a site-catalogue – it will be 100% ready to be used.
Website development examples
So you face the necessity to create a site, but you only slightly imagine what it will be like. To help you make up your mind as to what you want exactly, please answer the questions what do you need the site for, what tasks will it fulfill, it`s main functions, etc. if on the contrary, you see your future site in all the details, in that case we have only to make your ideas dreams come true.
Brief for site development
The first step in site creation is the filling if of the so called brief – a short questionnaire to define the main parameters of the future project. That’s what the development of the Internet sites starts from.
The cost of developing the site
As any product, web site development of a company has a price, which depends on several key components. The cost of developing the site is determined by the complexity of the work of programmers, designers, web designers, and, if it is necessary, the participation of marketers, copywriters and other professionals involved in the project, so it can vary substantially depending on the specific project.